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Say Goodbye to Fear of the Dentist at Smile Zone Dental

Fear of the dentist is incredibly common at all ages. We can’t blame you—dentistry has a reputation for being painful and tedious. At Smile Zone Dental, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible when you visit our offices in Fort Gratiot and MI. Besides an empathetic staff and relaxing atmosphere, we also offer sedation dentistry. This technique is an excellent way to lose the nerves commonly associated with all kinds of dental procedures, from cleanings to root canals. Interested in sedation dentistry? Our staff is here to answer all your questions!

family of three relaxing on the couch

Laughing Gas Brings a Sense of Comfort

Most of us are familiar with nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. This sedation technique wears off much more quickly than other sedatives and is administered through a mask over your nose. Your dentist can monitor the amount of nitrous oxide and increase or decrease your dosage as necessary. Many of our patients choose this option because they’ll be able to drive themselves home after their appointment.

Relax with Oral Sedation During Dental Procedures

The team at Smile Zone Dental often recommends oral sedation to patients who have trouble relaxing. Administered with a pill around an hour before the procedure, patients typically become drowsy as their appointment time nears. We can adjust the dose to produce moderate sedation, depending on your needs and preferences. In some cases, patients become so groggy they fall asleep, but most times you’ll remain awake for the duration of the procedure. Don’t worry about falling asleep, though—patients are usually easily awakened!

Choose IV Moderate Sedation for Quick Relaxation

If you choose IV moderate sedation for your dental visit, the sedative drug will be administered through a vein. This method means you’ll feel relaxed more quickly, and your dentist can adjust your dosage as needed. IV moderate sedation results in grogginess, much the same as a moderate dose of oral sedation. Be sure to ask the staff at Smile Zone Dental about any concerns you may have about needles or any other aspect of IV moderate sedation.

Discuss Your Sedation Options with Our Experienced Team

Whether you’re nervous about a root canal, filling, or dental cleaning, consider sedation dentistry as a way to help yourself relax. Our methods are completely safe, and patients rarely experience complications. The team at Smile Zone Dental does ask that you be upfront with any conditions you may have, as certain ones may put you at risk for complications after sedation. However, never assume you’re not a good candidate for this relaxation method. Talk with our staff in Fort Gratiot and MI about sedation dentistry and determine your best course of action. Call today to make your appointment.

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